Harmen de Bresser | Höfner Dealer
Harmen de Bresser
Violin Bass & Federal Bass

Harmen de Bresser

Being active as a bass player for two decades now, Harmen de Bresser finally found the sound he had heard in his dreams, the 500/1 Violin Bass. He also owns a Hofner Federal Bass for those dark jazz moments.

Coming a long way from the first metal & hardcore punk bands he started in during high school, his musical experiences include the whole spectrum starting with studying jazz music, playing in musicals and backing Dutch singer-songwriters such as J.W. Roy, Gerard van Maasakkers & Bennie Jolink but also being a part of, or doing studio sessions with bands such as Beansprouts (bluegrass), Wolvendale (alternative) & Roosbeef (pop).

Some international on-stage flings were with Del Castillo, Romi Mayes, and Mikkey Dee from Motorhead!

Harmen plays in the Dutch band the Mighty YaYa, and regularly tours all over Europe with Patricia Vonne‎. 

Mighty-YaYa    Patricia Vonne

The Weber Brothers
Violin Bass